The History of Agile Methods and Innovations

In the early 1900s, IT experts could take dozens of years to develop a software computer. Then came Agile, and the world of Information Technology became a much, much better place.    The implementation of Agile methodologies has then revolutionised the way software developers and industry leaders design and build products for their clients. Unlike traditional […]

Why Personas Are Important to Your Products

How well do you know your customers? Do you know what makes your customers tick? In his article 5 Techniques to Help You Truly Understand Your Customers, Neil Patel recommends that one of the five strategies you should do to understand your customers better is to create more robust buyer personas.  But what is a buyer […]

Consumer Value: Know What Your Customers Really Want

Learning what consumers truly value is a real challenge for every company. As the competition in the market gets tougher, the standards of consumers also get higher.  Consumer value can be seen from the perspective of the customer and the business. From the customer perspective, this refers to the value of a product or a […]

The Powerful Benefits of Embracing Transparency

In general, being authentic and transparent takes a lot of courage. Not everyone can show their true motives or true self because of fear. Fear of judgments. Fear of being rejected. Fear of being less authoritative. And sometimes, fear of being manipulated. Dalai Lama once said, “If you are honest, truthful, and transparent, people trust […]

Why Failing Fast Can Help Your Business to Succeed

Failing fast is probably the last thing you would want to do. As human beings, we are terrified of making mistakes and losing the game.  Fail-fast is a philosophy known to entrepreneurs, especially those who are in the software industry. It is also often associated with widely used product development methods (ever heard of Agile, […]

Why Competition is Good for You and for the Business

Competition is human nature and is part of our daily lives. It can occur anytime and anywhere – at school, in your workplace, across companies or even within your family. But is competition beneficial? The answer is yes! Healthy competition has many benefits. It motivates the person to develop their personal and professional skills. Being […]

A recent study from CB Insights found that seventy percent of start-up tech companies fail. How did this happen?  Although there are so many reasons why these companies shutter, the analysts noted that 9 of the top 20 reasons for start-up failures were customer-related: not meeting customers’ demands or even ignoring them. As defined by […]